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Scaling Customer Onboarding: 7 Free Customer Onboarding Templates

Author: Melissa Scatena

Published: May 1, 2024

Last updated: July 16, 2024

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Unlocking the potential of your business begins with establishing a seamless onboarding process for new clients. Whether you're a growing startup or a seasoned enterprise, crafting an experience that is both scalable and engaging is essential to your future success.

Implementing repeatable playbooks and using pre-designed client onboarding templates will help your team keep the same consistent experience while scaling your customer count. These client onboarding templates serve as the bedrock for building a customer-centric approach, ensuring each new client journey is not only efficient but also leaves a lasting impression.

We've put together some foundational templates you can start using today to elevate your onboarding process and cultivate long-term relationships with your clients.

1. Welcome Email Template

Welcome your new clients warmly and set the tone for a successful client relationship. This onboarding email should include:

  1. Personalized greeting
  2. Brief overview of your product and its value
  3. What the client can expect in the coming days
  4. Contact information for their main point of contact


"Dear [Client Name],

Welcome to [Your Company]! We're thrilled to have you on board and are excited to support you in [achieving specific goal/client’s interest]. Over the next few weeks, you'll be discovering how to make the most out of [Your Product] with the help of our team. Your main point of contact will be [Contact Name], who will ensure your onboarding process is smooth and efficient. Feel free to reach out at [Contact Email] or [Contact Phone Number].

Best, [Your Name]"

2. Onboarding Checklist Template

A step-by-step guide for your clients, detailing every stage of the onboarding process. Include tasks, resources, and estimated completion times.


Client Onboarding Checklist for [Your Company]

  1. Account Setup - Complete by [date].
    1. Create your account.
    2. Verify your email address.
  2. Initial Training Session - Schedule by [date].
    1. Book your session [Link to scheduler].
  3. Data Migration - Complete by [date].
    1. Prepare your data file.
    2. Upload your data [Instructions link].
  4. Integration Configuration - Complete by [date].
    1. Identify key integrations (e.g., CRM, email, etc.).
    2. Follow integration setup guides [Link to guides].
    3. Test integrations to ensure data flows correctly.
  5. Team Introduction Meeting - Schedule by [date].
    1. Meet your dedicated Customer Success Manager.
    2. Introduce your team members who will be using [Your Product].
    3. Discuss goals, timelines, and any immediate questions.
  6. Product Customization - Complete by [date].
    1. Configure product settings to match your business processes.
    2. Set up user roles and permissions.
    3. Customize dashboards/reports as needed.
  7. Advanced Training - Schedule by [date].
    1. Dive deeper into specific features and best practices.
    2. Explore advanced use cases relevant to your business.
  8. Go-Live Readiness Check - Schedule by [date].
    1. Review all setup and configurations.
    2. Confirm all team members are trained and accounts are properly set up.
    3. Ensure data integrity and workflow functionality.
  9. Go-Live! - Official start date.
    1. Begin using [Your Product] in your daily operations.
    2. Monitor performance and user engagement.
  10. First Week Check-In - Schedule by [date].
    1. Evaluate initial experiences and gather feedback.
    2. Address any challenges or questions that have arisen.
  11. 30-Day Review Meeting - Schedule by [date].
  1. Assess progress towards initial goals.
  2. Review usage data and discuss any product optimizations.
  3. Plan next steps for continued success with [Your Product].

3. Sales to CS Handoff Template

Ensure a smooth transition from the sales team to customer success with a template that outlines key client information, goals, challenges, and expectations discussed during the sales process.


"Sales to CS Handoff for [Client Name]

  • Client Goals: [Detail the goals]
  • Key Challenges: [List challenges]
  • Product/Service Opted For: [Details]
  • Special Instructions: [Any specific requests or considerations]
  • Next Steps: [Immediate actions required from the CS team]"

4. Pre-Onboarding Survey Template

Gather essential client feedback about your new client's expectations, technical setup, and goals.


"Welcome to [Your Company]!

Before we get started, we'd like to know a bit more about you and your needs. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey.

  1. What are your main goals with [Your Product]?
  2. Who will be the primary users of [Your Product] in your team?
  3. Do you have any specific timelines or milestones we should be aware of?
  4. Describe your current setup related to [area relevant to your product].

[Link to Survey]"

5. Post-Onboarding Survey Template

Collect feedback on the onboarding experience to refine your process and ensure client satisfaction with this client onboarding questionnaire.


"Your Feedback Matters!

Now that you've completed your onboarding with [Your Company], we'd love to hear about your experience. Your feedback will help us improve and ensure we're meeting your needs.

  1. How would you rate your onboarding experience?
  2. What did you find most helpful during the onboarding process?
  3. Is there anything we could have done differently?

[Link to Survey]"

6. Check-In Email Templates

Regularly engage with your clients to ensure they are making the most of your product and to offer support.


"Dear [Client Name],

I hope you're doing well and finding great value in [Your Product]. I wanted to check in to see how things are going and if there's anything you need help with. Remember, we're here to support you every step of the way through this product adoption.

Best, [Your Name]"

7. Communication Plan Template

Outline the frequency, channels, and content of communication with your client throughout their lifecycle.


"Communication Plan for [Client Name]

  • Weekly Check-ins: Quick updates via email.
  • Monthly Calls: Deep dive into usage, challenges, and success stories.
  • Quarterly Reviews: Strategy sessions to align goals and outcomes."

8. Client Success Plan Template

Develop a customized plan for each client, highlighting goals, key milestones, and strategies for achieving success with your product.


"Success Plan for [Client Name]

  • Objective: [What the client aims to achieve with your product]
  • Key Milestones:
    • [Milestone 1] - Complete by [date].
    • [Milestone 2] - Complete by [date].
  • Strategies for Success:
  • [Strategy 1]
  • [Strategy 2]

[Your Name], [Your Position]"

By leveraging these templates, CSMs can provide a structured yet personalized onboarding experience that simplifies the process and sets the stage for a long-term, successful relationship with their clients.